June 17, 2009
So much witnessed
Yet the unseen blamed
Hue of anger
With a rage in pain.

Blood in anger
Deceive to the being.
Granting a vary wish
Of behest hunger tamed
With every crush bit of will
They humble faint.
Transforming itself into the rage
of a might vertiginously curtained.
Once I was bestowed,
..Bestowed with a phrase!”
Someone termed me
With such a wonderful grace.
Considering it as a compliment
I murmured it till it heed
Liked it so much
But there was never a need.
“Yeah! … As quiet as a Door Mouse!”
Said She with a certain locking of her jaw….
I guess it was Owed to my gesture
Or was it due to one of my Mysterious flaw.
Quite Impressed I was…
Reluctantly a little shy
Where that compliment came from;
I was never supposed to know ‘WHY!’
The pondering that went
Over that very little pretty thought.
With days ran into dreaming
And into all those sleepless thinking night.
No doubt a wonderful lady
“She was….!”
But I wasn’t exactly the one
That went by the name;
‘..Some disgraced armor knight.
Was they for me?
Why were they for me?
Most of the time I seldom fear.
Well! She must have been joking
As she was sitting so gorgeously near.
“I fell with laughter
On the tumbling floor.
The moment I was blessed;
With the sudden urge of realization,
…a realization so gore.
“Oh god! They weren’t any compliment.”
The squeaky voice inside so selflessly screamed.
But What the wonderful lady meant rather;
had a certain sarcastic charm.
But those adjectives and verb
were shot from such a close distance
….Not sure though!
Were they supposed to be of any harm?
“Ok ..quiet I am certainly!”
And I really didn’t knew
What supposedly in a world
A creature termed as a,
‘A door Mouse’
is suppose to be.
But now do I know
And now have I learned.
Gosh! Still somehow curious…
About those pretty lady’s intention.
In complimenting; “you see.
“…A disgrace for a humble little mouse;
Or was it just a compliment
Meant totally for a creature like ME!!
Yet the unseen blamed
Hue of anger
With a rage in pain.

Blood in anger
Deceive to the being.
Granting a vary wish
Of behest hunger tamed
With every crush bit of will
They humble faint.
Transforming itself into the rage
of a might vertiginously curtained.
Once I was bestowed,
..Bestowed with a phrase!”
Someone termed me
With such a wonderful grace.
Considering it as a compliment
I murmured it till it heed
Liked it so much
But there was never a need.
“Yeah! … As quiet as a Door Mouse!”
Said She with a certain locking of her jaw….
I guess it was Owed to my gesture
Or was it due to one of my Mysterious flaw.
Quite Impressed I was…
Reluctantly a little shy
Where that compliment came from;
I was never supposed to know ‘WHY!’
The pondering that went
Over that very little pretty thought.
With days ran into dreaming
And into all those sleepless thinking night.
No doubt a wonderful lady
“She was….!”
But I wasn’t exactly the one
That went by the name;
‘..Some disgraced armor knight.
Was they for me?
Why were they for me?
Most of the time I seldom fear.
Well! She must have been joking
As she was sitting so gorgeously near.
“I fell with laughter
On the tumbling floor.
The moment I was blessed;
With the sudden urge of realization,
…a realization so gore.
“Oh god! They weren’t any compliment.”
The squeaky voice inside so selflessly screamed.
But What the wonderful lady meant rather;
had a certain sarcastic charm.
But those adjectives and verb
were shot from such a close distance
….Not sure though!
Were they supposed to be of any harm?
“Ok ..quiet I am certainly!”
And I really didn’t knew
What supposedly in a world
A creature termed as a,
‘A door Mouse’
is suppose to be.
But now do I know
And now have I learned.
Gosh! Still somehow curious…
About those pretty lady’s intention.
In complimenting; “you see.
“…A disgrace for a humble little mouse;
Or was it just a compliment
Meant totally for a creature like ME!!