April 14, 2009

From the blows you draw.
It won’t take any longer,
To heal the wounds of the claw
Use thy might
With much furry possible.
‘Initially’ I will stand the scathing wrought
Wishing the grace for you
“...knowing that my heart won’t wobble!
Still I’ll try the very best;
Arresting myself from being dreaded.
Those would be my efforts so least
In avenging the soul had it limits exceeded.
Till the very end you know I will be the benign,
Made into a filthy scamp by yours only rough behaving.
Never ask me again for words
For I may not care.
Just that I wasn’t never the part of that heard
“Reason did I ever!”...How much you would dare?
Time will have its faith bestowed
but the scars will remain
I have myself decided;
Looking back will not be the chapter from this soaring man.
If ever you may need,
The constant urge to call ‘’.
I will wish the heaven above
To rein the angels for you’ that shouldn’t be.’
For I’ll be the one of them,
Standing besides you
Without considering the past of the damn
Standing there with the dawn giving way to something new.