…so here is how one makes it!!
Firstly, find some or even just one will do, “a freshly made up juicy ‘heart.’ While buying it check for plumpness …those are best, for such a dish. Stay away from all those bloated ones; many of them do stock on such, and will easily fool you into buying them. While out on shopping, expert advice may not be available, so you will have to rely as much on your own instinct. DO NOT get carried away by the words, especially of those trying to sell their stuff.
…ok! You got yourself a nice, cold heart, so let’s move on with our preparation. “Shall we?”
Before resuming do check up on the list of items that will be required. Assuming, that it is already done I will move on with the procedures…
As you cant never be sure where these ‘heart’s’ are cultivated and exported from, make sure they are cleansed with thoroughly. This can be done by holding it directly under the force of clean running water. That will get rid of any dirt or debris previously stuck to its surface.
Done that!! Good…
Now you have one nice, clean but still cold heart. This dish may not taste good if it is not warmed. So as to do that, take a large ‘Cauldron’ …usually that much of a space is seldom required, but that helps to spice it more easily. Fill the vessel with ‘water’ fetched from the tank of hope. It can be easily found everywhere. Put on the flame for the vessel, set to a minimum. Dip the heart in it once and remove it, now drop it …and leave it for sometime.
Till it get’s all warmed up, you can go and enjoy some leisure time. But do remember to keep a check on its progress..
“Times up!”
By now it must have been pretty cooked, so switch of the flame and wait for some more time for the ‘water’ to scale down in its temperature. Take a safe holder to take it out and place it on a dish. The heart must be all warmed, and soft to touch. Do handle it carefully causs it tends to become slippery.
Take a sharp knife and just slightly poke it to make sure it is warmed. If the point of the knife penetrates through it with ease, you have it made perfectly.
Give yourself a pat on the back ...and move on with the things to prepare.
The whole heart tastes better than a sliced one, so leave it that way and get some spices and oils. Pour the whole bottle of oil in the pan and let it burn. Let it boil for sometime. Keep the spices handy, and just when the oil is all of boiling, pour them in the pan.
The ‘whoosh’ sound that is made is so good “….Wonderful!!”
Stir everything inside the pan with a flat spoon, smell the nice aroma that is emitted. When you see everything inside the pan is grasping the color ‘red’ get the heart and introduce it to the pan. “Again” …you will have to stir it, this time vigorously, so as to get the taste onto to the dish. Cover the pan with a lid and watch as it turns from some familiar color to something of brownish in nature. If that is case, you my friend have successfully prepared that special aromatic dish. Only thing left is to serve it. Nothing specific required, just serve it freshly out of the pan, it tastes better that way.
That is all there is to it, hope you enjoyed the preparation and intricacies of that appetizing dish.